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Cass Merrigan

I love a sunburnt country

One thing I love about living rural is the annual Ag (agricultural) show, especially the Gresford Show. It's a bit sized event (no where near as overwhelming as Sydney's Royal Easter Show) and as a result there are pretty good odds you can walk away with a prize ribbon.

Sadly my Therapist Quilt didn't win a prize, but with the other entries being so beautiful I don't mind at all! The category winner was a gorgeous liberty creation, hand pieces and perfect. I can happy report that Trove took out a first place win! Though I do think my 3D creations bamboozle the more traditional sewists.

Proudly my girls both took podium places for their craft entries too! With two first places, a second and a third. They are both so creative and I am so happy they get a little recognition for it and a lot of encouragement to enter again next year.

Despite the excitement of winning the girls spent the most time in the poultry pavilion writing their wish lists for the next lot of chickens they want to buy.

Back to the blog title, if anyone knows the Poem "My Country" by Dorothea MacKellar, it may suprise you to know that she was writing about this very part of Australia. She was a proud resident of Gresford NSW, and if you take a look at the photo below you can see why the landscape inspired such a captivating poem.

I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewel-sea,

Her beauty and her terror –

The wide brown land for me!

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