I was sitting down earlier today with a (strong) coffee trying to nut out where I am in the universe, sounds dramatic but it is really how it all feels right now. I have lost at least six weeks worth of time into a vortex never to be seen again.
August was fun and games with a funky mole needing removal (twice) and my middling child (code name Discord) stepping on a UPO or unidentified pointy object, in the chicken coop and needing a trip to the emergency department... and two weeks on crutches. Poor love, whatever she stepped on it went in DEEP.
My day job has also been FULL ON, I try not to complain... but when I am longing to get some quality Cake & Ale time in I do get a little resentful.
On the upside there was Fathers Day, and my Misters Birthday. It is nice for the four months of the year when we are the same age, I married a younger man and he doesn't let me forget it! I made him an Italian coffee cake with an ungodly amount of chocolate ganash frosting, it wasn't pretty but it was incredibly tasty.
I had grand plans for a candy corn bunting pattern in time for Halloween but at this point in time I wont make any kind of deadline for this year. Which is a real shame, I had the idea last year and sat on it WAY too long. I am mindful I need to pull my finger out if I want to get anything designed up for Christmas!
Now for the Cake & Ale catch up!

Stargazer. She is now three quarters quilted! As the weather warms up it is getting progressively harder to sit under all that yardage for long periods. BUT I know I need to get her across that final finished line so she can be submitted to the local Ag show early next year.

Supernova. Stargazer's crazy little sister. Based on the same geometric motif as Stargazer but with double parallelograms. I need a small project to take out and about and this is the current one. This project is using up all of my small Anna Maria Horner scraps and I am hoping will become the new cushion on my office chair.

Dear Heart. FINALLY this one is written and should be out in the world soon. The editor is checking over my questionable grammatical choices and I need to take some styles shots, after that we are go for launch.

The latest pattern designed for Make Modern Magazine! I just love this design. It was actually the first project I designed for them, but I was scared that it may have been too challenging to be a great first impression. So at the last minute I created the Duchess and we parked Curio for the second go around. There is a third pattern in the mental works, I really need to get cracking on that as the material deadline is swiftly approaching.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the catch up!